The U.S. Department of the Treasury recently released the Final rule for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA Funds) putting an end to much of the uncertainty around eligible uses of ARPA Funds.
The final rule – which takes effect on April 1, 2022 – provides state and local governments with increased flexibility to pursue a wider range of uses, as well as greater simplicity so governments can focus on responding to the crisis in their communities and maximizing the impact of their funds.
In addition to working with customers making use of American Rescue Plan Funds in 2021, the Document Conversion team at Higher Information Group has fielded many questions concerning the eligibility of fund use for potential projects. Michael Glaser, HIG’s Director of Sales Record Storage, Shredding and Document Conversion reached out to The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors for clarification. The response is included here:
Hello Michael,
Thank you for reaching out! I received your question regarding using American Rescue Plan funds to scan records and support virtual working and as a disaster recovery solution.
This effort certainly could be funded through the American Rescue Plan, specifically through the Lost Revenue’s standard allowance option. When it comes to storing files virtually, a general recommendation would be to make sure you continue to have back-ups stored somewhere in the event of a hack or file corruption.
Take care,
Katie Lizza
Policy and Legislation Analyst
PA State Association of Township Supervisors
HIG Customer Success Stories Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funds for Document Conversion/Document Storage